Section information into a header



I am trying to put info into a header that will indicate what section of a
document in on that page. I am dealing with an agenda for meetings in
which a lot of information is included. It is sorted by time slots. So in
columns one and two of a table, we show the begin and end times of a time
slot. In the third column we list the details to be covered. This third
column often goes on for a number of pages. Thus, a time slot that begins in
the middle of one page (say page 3) may run on until page 7.

The problem is that when someone looks at pages 4, 5 and 6 (in this example)
they see no indication of the time slot involved. So, how do I let them know
on those pages what these times are?

1. I could just add it in the top row of the table on that page. But when
these documents are edited at the last minute, a common practive, these times
end up in awkward , and sometimes misleading, locations on the page. So that
doesn't work

2. There is a means of putting headings, such a chapter names and numbers,
into a header. This works fairly well when you can you breaks that go to a
new page. But in some time slots, only a line or two are used and there may
be 3 or 4 time slots on one page. Again, it gets awkward to know what to put
into the head in the way of an inserted reference|cross reference. And,
again, when the document is edited at the last minute, this also becomes

3. What I would really like to do, but havn't a clue how to do in Word, is
enter some variable into memory for each section (using continuous section
breaks). In the case, my variable's name would be the time slot involved.
Then, at the top of each page, have that variable print into a header, a
field, anything that works. If the document is edited so that page three no
longer starts with a section assigned variable x, but insteads begins with a
section assigned variable y, the variable that prints at the top of page
three will also change. I guess I am thinking about this like program code,
where the program always know the current variable and if you ask at any
point what the current variable is, you will get it.

Is there any way to accomplish what I am trying to do? You must understand
that whatever I set up will be used in the field by people who are minimally
computer literate. I could do all of this in Access, but have no idea where
to start with it in Word.

Any help would be appreciated.

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