Section or Pages to APPEAR OR DISAPPEAR based on criteria?



Is there a way to make sections or even whole pages of a
Word Document to appear or disappear based on criteria of
a field from a Mail Merge?

And if so, will Word automaticly move the paragraphs or
pages that follow up so that there isn't this big 'gap'???

Any suggestions or links to help/instructions on this?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Brw,

Yes, this can be done by putting the "conditional text" into
an IF field. And yes, the following text will close up.

Here's roughly how to go about realizing this:
- type the text into the document
- place it in "quotes", and include the last paragraph mark
or the section break, or page break, or whatever.
- select all of this (including the "quotes")
- press Ctrl+F9 to place it all in { field brackets }
- Set up the remainder of the IF field:
{ IF { Mergefield xyz } = "criterion" "All your text
follows here, and is already present" }
- Alt+F9 to toggle back to the field result

Note: depending on which version of Word you use, Word may
toggle the field codes off when you insert the Mergefield.
Alt+F9 to turn them back on!
Is there a way to make sections or even whole pages of a
Word Document to appear or disappear based on criteria of
a field from a Mail Merge?

And if so, will Word automaticly move the paragraphs or
pages that follow up so that there isn't this big 'gap'???

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

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follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

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