Section repeated based on # of Repeating Sections



I have a form that allows the user to add a repeating section. Further down
in another area of the form I need to have a section (Repeating Section?)
displayed for every one of the Repeating Sections added above.

From what I've read here this may need to be done via code. I have no
experience with that. If my solution is via code where can I find good clear
information on how to do this in Infopath?

Thanks in advance. Let me add I've had many questions answered by you guys
here and I'm thankful for the access to your knowledge. Thanks.

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

You'll have to use code. You haven't really chosen an easy scenario to be
your first experience with code. :) Unfortunately, I do not think you'll
find code samples online. You might be able to find a few samples for adding
a repeating section, though. Do a search on "repeating group" and
"appendChild". Note: A repeating group is the same as a repeating section
behind the scenes.


Believe me I know! I did some searching and found a little info but I'm not
sure if I'm looking in the right place. Where would be a good place to
search? Also, what's a good source for learning code?

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Well, you could look on which is a great resource
for beginners. They also have tutorials and a forum where you can post

A good place to start learning to code would be .
They've got tutorials for almost everything that has to do with the web,
including VBScript and JavaScript.

Good luck! And if you have any specific questions or get stuck with
something, just pitch them out.


Thanks. Rated.

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton said:
Well, you could look on which is a great resource
for beginners. They also have tutorials and a forum where you can post

A good place to start learning to code would be .
They've got tutorials for almost everything that has to do with the web,
including VBScript and JavaScript.

Good luck! And if you have any specific questions or get stuck with
something, just pitch them out.

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