Is this possible?
My document is organized in sections as follows:
1) Cover Sheet (protected)
2) Revision Table (unprotected)
3) Lists: List of Contents, List of Figs, List of Tables (protected)
4) Content (unprotectd)
I'd like to have sections 1-3 have a lowercase roman numeral page # and
total pages from sections 1-3 combined. Section 4 will have arabic numerals
and start from 1. Currently sections 1-3 are using SECTIONPAGES, so after
each section the total page count restarts, which I don't want.
My document is organized in sections as follows:
1) Cover Sheet (protected)
2) Revision Table (unprotected)
3) Lists: List of Contents, List of Figs, List of Tables (protected)
4) Content (unprotectd)
I'd like to have sections 1-3 have a lowercase roman numeral page # and
total pages from sections 1-3 combined. Section 4 will have arabic numerals
and start from 1. Currently sections 1-3 are using SECTIONPAGES, so after
each section the total page count restarts, which I don't want.