Sections vs. Section Groups



I'm mystifed about the differrences and uses of sections versus section groups.
Which is a child of the other, if at all? What are the advantages of using
one or both?
I can't fnd any info on sections groups in the help files.


I'm mystifed about the differrences and uses of sections versus section groups.
Which is a child of the other, if at all?  What are the advantages of using
one or both?
I can't fnd any info on sections groups in the help files.

Section groups are sub folders within a notebook folder. So, if you
have two section groups in your Notebook:

c:\Notebooks\Example Notebook
c:\Notebooks\Example Notebook\Sub Note book 1
c:\Notebooks\Example Notebook\Sub Note book 2

The section files are in the relevant folder.

The advantage of using section groups comes if you have a very big
notebook. I have one which I'm developing for Excel notes. At the
moment I have three section groups which allows me to place sections
into to most relevant section group. If I didn't have section groups
there would be too many sections across the top of the page.

BTW you can have section groups at lower levels. Navigation around
them is easy.



Thank you very much! I finally cracked the code and it really opens things
up for organization.
What was confusing was figuring out what was a child of who? The trick is
deleting that pesky little section that keeps popping up at the top level so
that you only have section groups listed across the page. then everything
was gravy.
Thanks again.

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