Securing DB


Imran Javed Khan

I am developing a Access DB for inventory and POS. It is
my first commercial work. I know I can creat a run time
version. I am concerned that the client will make copies
for use in other locations. What can I do to ensure this
does not happen?


I am developing a Access DB for inventory and POS.

Then you will presumeable have to investigate using Access "user level
security". Be warned! That has a steep learning curve, with many traps for
the unwary. Download & stiudy the Access ecurity FAQ. Experiment on
"thro-away" copies of your fdatabase. Plan on taking >at least several
weeks< to get some understanding of how it all works.

You will also need to read-up on why & how to use a "front tne/back end"
structure for your database.

It is my first commercial work.

Well, you've taken on a fairly big task. Be sure you get the security right.
Be sure you use a front end/back end structure.

I know I can creat a run time version.

Far easier - if you can - is to say that each client must have a copy of a
suitable version of Microsoft Access already on their PC.

I am concerned that the client will make copies
for use in other locations. What can I do to ensure this
does not happen?

Well, that is a whole >other< can of worms!

Imran, it's not my job to tell you what to do :) But here is some friendly
advice. If you are developing a POS system, & this is your first commercial
work, & you >do not< know about user-level security, & front end/back end
database structures, you would be better to concentrate on those other
issues first. Forget about stopping the users copying your product, untill
you have a working product that they might want to copy!


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