security concern and search option



is it possible to turn off the "microsoft office onenote security
notice" that pops up each time i click a link that opens a file on my

i was planning to use onenote as a "personal document organizer" and
wanted to placed links to frequently used files into notes. but now
each time i click a link this dialog pops up.

one link opens a zip file. this one even triggers two securitiy

is there ANY way i can turn those off? this problem is so terribly
annoying - i wasted two hours of precious time to find a solution - but
i was not successful til now.

I'd appreciate any solution - even if it's some registry fiddling or

if its not possible... does anyone know of a another application that
would do the same like i described above?
again: basically i am trying to organize files and docs on my HD for
easy access from one place.
I want a simple tree structure of links with short descriptions to
files on my HD.


one more thing. is it possible to integrate the page or section name
in the search?

for example: i have a page which is called "car manufacurers". if the
term car manufacurers does not appear INSIDE the note - (which makes
sense for me - because i only would write the names) it seems like the
search does not pick up anything if i enter "manufacturer" is there a
way t change that or a "advanced search" or something similar? which
can show me the page?

this is somehow like if foldernames would not be picked up if i do a
filesearch on my hd ; )

thanks :smile:


Hi Ben,

thank you for the answer.
like i said, I spent already quite some time on this topic. i ha
already found the link that you provided.... but this seems to appl
ONLY for links to the web! i had given it a try and it did not chang
a thing. I tried it now again... and still the same.
Maybe I am doing something wrong???
Are you sure this should work? The article says "Enable or disabl
security alerts about links to and files from suspicious *WEB SITES*"
I am trying to link to files on my PC - not to web sites. (I actuall
don't know wwhy this should make a difference. But it seems that i

btw: i was testing it with a link to a simple .txt file

Is it maybe possible to turn off this "trust center" thing completely?
I think I am old enough to decide on my own which links to click an
which not : )


THE PROBLEM: How to turn off the "microsoft office onenote security notice"
that pops up each time i click a link that opens a file on my hd?

I've got the same problem... this message is very annoying and there doesn't
seem to be a way to turn it off making the use of links to hard disk files

This message appears whether your using OneNote, Publisher, or Word and
click on a link to a local hard disk file.

The advice given in the prior discussions doesn't work!

Another apparoach I've tried is to make my entire hard disk (e.g. "C:\") a
Trusted Location, BUT Microsoft won't allow you to do this... you can only
specify particular locations (folders) as a Trusted Site!

If anyone else has a suggestion, I would appreciate it.




Rev. Michael L. Burns


I was frustrated by these messages as well and was told some time ago about
a registry hack that doesn't affect your security settings for OneNote
2007/Office 2007 but suppresses the warning message. It requires you to make
one registry entry only.

The following needs to be added to the registry to disable the warning
message that pops up when clicking on a hyperlink to a local file:


I tried to make a merge file to merge it into the registry and it always
said that it merged correctly but it never showed up or made a difference,
I was still getting the warning, so I decided to create it manually.

1. Open Regedit and click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER and drill down until you are
2. Check to see if there is an entry for Security. On Mine there wasn't so I
had to create it.
3. You should be at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\
at this point.
4. Click on New on the Edit menu, and then click Key
5. Type Security and press enter.
6. Again, on the Edit menu select New and then click DWORD Value.
7. Type the following: DisableHyperlinkWarning, and then press ENTER to name
the entry.
8. In the right-hand window you should see the DisableHyperlinkWarning that
you just entered. Right-click on it and select Modify.
9. Enter the value of 1 in the Edit DWORD Value Dialog box where it calls
for Value Data. (Note that a value of 0 enables the Hyperlink warning
message and a value of 1 will disable it.
10. Click OK and close Regedit.
11. You should get no more warning messages when clicking on a hyperlink to
a local file from any Office application, not just OneNote.

I have only tried this on a Vista Ultimate machine, running Office 2007 and
OneNote 2007 but it's working fine on all three systems.

Hope this helps,


Thank you Rev. Michael L. Burns.

Your solution was both easy and works perfectly..

Thanks again,

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