security limited just to queries?



I have a table that multiple people use according to each record's
"owner" field. I would like to restrict access to these records to
just the people who own them. I.E. bob can only see records where
"BOB" is in the owner field. I though of giving bob access to a query
that filters to only show "BOB" records and dening him access to the
table all together. This doesn't work because for the query to work
you have to have read access to the table :(

Is there any other way of doing this?


Scott McDaniel

To truly restrict it (or at least restrict it as much as possible with
Access), you would need to impelement User Level Security, build RWOP
queries that provide users access to the tables, and then remove all
permissions from the table. You could then filter the query by CurrentUser()
(which is a builtin function that returns the currently logged on user) ...

Access ULS is a tricky little beast, however, and can be quite difficult to
grasp. The link below is to the Security FAQ, which you should read and
understand thoroughly before attempting to implement security. Also, make a
backup of your database BEFORE beginning to learn security.

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