Security on Modules


Leo Luyendijk

Hi All

This is my second post; can anyone help?

I have inherited a MS Access Database from which I have removed all security
ie. I can freely make changes to Tables, Forms, Reports and Queries. The
problem is I still cannot access the code modules. I see modules are not
listed under User Permissions.

Any insights anyone..?



Joan Wild

What happens when you try? Is the design button disabled? If so, then you
are looking at a mde and won't be able to modify the modules.

If not, then try creating a new mdb and importing all the objects.

Leo Luyendijk

Hi Joan

I am definately not looking at a mde here. Also, I can make changes to all
other objects. Must be something else



Joan Wild

What message do you get when you try to open a module?

Have you tried to import everything to a new mdb?

Leo Luyendijk

Once again - it only occurs on Modules - message reads "You don't have
permission to read Attach.bas" + "To Read this object you must have Read
Design Permission..."

I can import all objects into new db except the Modules!! Message reads "You
don't have permissions to import, export or link ...."

Weird hey!

Leo Luyendijk

I see that Access 97 had a setting for security on Modules and that this has
fallen away in the 2002/3 versions.
Since I am opening the database(compled in Access 97) in Access 2003 could
this not be the problem? Should the modules not first be de-secured in
Access 97 and then be migrated to 2003?



Joan Wild


Joan Wild
Microsoft Access MVP

Leo said:
I see that Access 97 had a setting for security on Modules and that
this has fallen away in the 2002/3 versions.
Since I am opening the database(compled in Access 97) in Access 2003
could this not be the problem? Should the modules not first be
de-secured in Access 97 and then be migrated to 2003?



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