Lisa Geyer
Although my company has a few directories secured so only
a limited number of staff members have access, most of our
documents are stored in directories that anyone can see.
We have been using passwords to protect Word and Excel
1. While I've found free Excel password "cracking"
software downloads, what similar free software is
available for Word password cracking? I've found some for
under $50, but am concerned that free stuff is out there
2. What recommendations do you have for establishing
password protocols - so they are very difficult to "crack?"
3. Do you recommend reorganizing our directory structure
to limit access to certain directories? (I realize this
is not a Word question, but thought you might have some
insight and didn't want to miss the opportunity).
I look forward to hearing from you before 5 p.m. Eastern
time today. Thank you for your assistance.
Lisa Geyer
basys Office Administrator
a limited number of staff members have access, most of our
documents are stored in directories that anyone can see.
We have been using passwords to protect Word and Excel
1. While I've found free Excel password "cracking"
software downloads, what similar free software is
available for Word password cracking? I've found some for
under $50, but am concerned that free stuff is out there
2. What recommendations do you have for establishing
password protocols - so they are very difficult to "crack?"
3. Do you recommend reorganizing our directory structure
to limit access to certain directories? (I realize this
is not a Word question, but thought you might have some
insight and didn't want to miss the opportunity).
I look forward to hearing from you before 5 p.m. Eastern
time today. Thank you for your assistance.
Lisa Geyer
basys Office Administrator