Security question - is this possible



I hope I can explain this clearly.

I have this database that calculates Bids for construction jobs. You log
in, (login id and password) select a project, go into that project and
create a "bid" where they can add items that will be needed for construction
(2x4, 4x4, nails, etc). They have the ability to create multiple versions
of the bid on each project.

At this point everyone has access to every project, as this is necessary.
General users have read/write access to add/edit/remove bids and items from
bids, they do not have the ability to change the project list or the list of
items to choose from. Admins have the ability to do everything (including
add/remove projects and Items from the master list). Finally, there is
"read only" for those who only need to print the bids.

But what they've asked is, can I set up security somehow so that if User Joe
creates Bid on XYZ project and creates versions and adds items that ONLY
User Joe can go in and delete items or Versions that he created. Likewise
UserJane can only view Joe's versions but cannot delete them. BUT, User
Joe's Secretary may be tasked with doing the data entry for the items, so
she will log in as herself but access the project and add

Currently there are 20,000 available projects and there isn't anything
stating which user controls which project. All users may potentially work
on a project.

There are also over 2000 items to choose from when creating a bid.

Secretaries could have access to add/remove items from a bid, but not have
access to add/remove bids.
Contractors could have access to add/remove items from their bid, but not
someone elses. Likewise for version of a bid or bids themself.

Is this something that is possible to do and where might I begin to look to
learn how to do something like this?

Lynn Trapp

It's possible, but sounds like it might be a bit of an undertaking. I assume
you are using the Access User Level security model. If so, you could add a
field to the necessary tables and store the user name of the CurrentUser.
Then you would need to put code behind your data entry forms to give the
various groups you set up different kinds of access. The code you need is in
the Security FAQ. There is a link to it on the Security page of my website.

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