The bottom portion of the log is below, can anyone tell me what to do to fix
so the update installs?
OPatchInstall: Executing the IfTrue list
OPatchInstall: CActionPrompt::execute starts
OPatchInstall: Throwing a quit exception to the script controller
OPatchInstall: The script has requested to quit the execution
OPatchInstall: Logging all properties
OPatchInstall: Property 'LOGPATH' value 'c:\kblog.txt'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.KBARTICLE' value '933688'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.NAME' value 'Update for Office 2007
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PATCH.DETECTION' value 'NotInstalled'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PATCH.QUEUED' value '1'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PATH.TEMP' value 'c:\temp\OWP69.tmp'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PRODUCTFAMILY' value 'Office'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PRODUCTNAME' value 'Office 2007'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.ALREADYINSTALLED' value 'The update
is already installed on this system.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.DETECTIONERROR' value 'An error
occurred while running detection.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.DETFAILED' value 'The detection
failed, this can be due to a corrupted installation database.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.EULA' value 'You must accept the
Microsoft Software License Terms in order to continue the installation.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.EXTRACTFAILURE' value 'The
extraction of files from this package failed.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.EXTRACTFOLDER' value 'Select a
folder to store the extracted files'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.INITIAL' value 'Do you wish to
proceed with the installation?'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.INSTALLCANCELED' value 'The
installation of this package was canceled.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.INSTALLFAILURE' value 'The
installation of this package failed.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.INSTALLSUCCESS' value 'The
installation is complete.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.NOPRODUCTSPRESENT' value 'There are
no products affected by this package installed on this system.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.NOTNEEDED' value 'This package is
not needed for the current release of the installed product.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.PATCHEDBYADMIN' value 'The update
cannot be installed due to a previous update was installed through a
modified installation source.'
expected version of the product was not found on the system.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.REBOOTNEEDED' value 'Do you want to
reboot now to complete the installation of this package?'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.DETAILSPREBODY' value 'Update
for Office 2007 (KB933688) failed to install.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.GENERALAPPNAME' value 'Update
for Office 2007 (KB933688)'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.INTROREG' value 'We apologize
for the update installation failure'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.MAINCAPTION' value 'Report
Update for Office 2007 (KB933688) Installation Failure'
error report containing information about the updates that failed
installation has been generated.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.MAINPLEAREG' value 'Using the
information in the report we can investigate and potentially fix the problem
you experienced. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.CANCEL' value '&Cancel'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.CANCELCONFIRMATION' value 'Are you
sure you want to cancel setup?'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.CONTINUE' value '&Continue'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.DETECTING' value 'Running update
detection, please wait'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.EULACHECKBOX' value 'Click here to
&accept the Microsoft Software License Terms.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.EXTRACTING' value 'Extracting files,
please wait...'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.HELP' value 'Usage:
ath, extracts the content of the package to the path folder
ath to log file], enables verbose logging for the update installation
/lang:lcid, sets the user interface to the specified locale when multiple
locales are available within the package
/quiet, runs the package in silent mode
/passive, runs the update without any interaction from the user
/norestart, prevents prompting of user when reboot of machine is needed
/forcerestart, forced restart of machine once update is complete
/?, shows this help message'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.INSTALLING' value 'Installing
update, please wait'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.SUCCESS.WITHERRORS' value 'The installation
is complete. However, some updates were not applied (please see the log for
additional details).'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PATCH.FILEID.EULA' value
OPatchInstall: Property 'PATCH.LANG' value '1033'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.EXTRACT' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.EXTRACTPATH' value 'NONE'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.FORCERESTART' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.HELP' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.LANG' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.LANGVALUE' value 'NONE'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.LOG' value '1'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.LOGPATH' value 'c:\kblog.txt'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.NORESTART' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.PASSIVE' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.QUIET' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ERROR.CODE' value '0x80004005'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ERROR.INERROR' value '1'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ERROR.TYPE' value 'HRESULT'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.LANG.LCID' value '1033'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.LANG.NAME' value 'en-us'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.LANG.RTL' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.MSI.VER' value '3.1.4000.4039'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.PATCH.NEEDREBOOT' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.PATCH.SUGGESTREBOOT' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.PROC.RESULT' value '17302'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.ARCHITECTURE' value 'X86'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.PLATFORM' value 'WINNT'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.SHELLVER' value '6.0.2900.3051'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.SPLEVEL' value '200'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.SYSTEMLCID' value '1033'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.USERADMIN' value '1'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.USERLCID' value '1033'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.VER' value '501'
OPatchInstall: Property 'XLCONV' value 'NotInstalled'
OPatchInstall: End of all properties
OPatchInstall: ExecuteExtendedDetection done
OPatchInstall: Run Ends
OPatchInstall: Performing clean up
OPatchInstall: Cleaning up MSP Engine
OpatchInstall: Clean up done
OPatchInstall: Run ends
so the update installs?
OPatchInstall: Executing the IfTrue list
OPatchInstall: CActionPrompt::execute starts
OPatchInstall: Throwing a quit exception to the script controller
OPatchInstall: The script has requested to quit the execution
OPatchInstall: Logging all properties
OPatchInstall: Property 'LOGPATH' value 'c:\kblog.txt'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.KBARTICLE' value '933688'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.NAME' value 'Update for Office 2007
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PATCH.DETECTION' value 'NotInstalled'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PATCH.QUEUED' value '1'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PATH.TEMP' value 'c:\temp\OWP69.tmp'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PRODUCTFAMILY' value 'Office'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PRODUCTNAME' value 'Office 2007'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.ALREADYINSTALLED' value 'The update
is already installed on this system.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.DETECTIONERROR' value 'An error
occurred while running detection.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.DETFAILED' value 'The detection
failed, this can be due to a corrupted installation database.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.EULA' value 'You must accept the
Microsoft Software License Terms in order to continue the installation.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.EXTRACTFAILURE' value 'The
extraction of files from this package failed.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.EXTRACTFOLDER' value 'Select a
folder to store the extracted files'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.INITIAL' value 'Do you wish to
proceed with the installation?'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.INSTALLCANCELED' value 'The
installation of this package was canceled.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.INSTALLFAILURE' value 'The
installation of this package failed.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.INSTALLSUCCESS' value 'The
installation is complete.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.NOPRODUCTSPRESENT' value 'There are
no products affected by this package installed on this system.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.NOTNEEDED' value 'This package is
not needed for the current release of the installed product.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.PATCHEDBYADMIN' value 'The update
cannot be installed due to a previous update was installed through a
modified installation source.'
expected version of the product was not found on the system.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.REBOOTNEEDED' value 'Do you want to
reboot now to complete the installation of this package?'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.DETAILSPREBODY' value 'Update
for Office 2007 (KB933688) failed to install.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.GENERALAPPNAME' value 'Update
for Office 2007 (KB933688)'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.INTROREG' value 'We apologize
for the update installation failure'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.MAINCAPTION' value 'Report
Update for Office 2007 (KB933688) Installation Failure'
error report containing information about the updates that failed
installation has been generated.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.PROMPT.WATSON.MAINPLEAREG' value 'Using the
information in the report we can investigate and potentially fix the problem
you experienced. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.CANCEL' value '&Cancel'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.CANCELCONFIRMATION' value 'Are you
sure you want to cancel setup?'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.CONTINUE' value '&Continue'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.DETECTING' value 'Running update
detection, please wait'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.EULACHECKBOX' value 'Click here to
&accept the Microsoft Software License Terms.'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.EXTRACTING' value 'Extracting files,
please wait...'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.HELP' value 'Usage:
/lang:lcid, sets the user interface to the specified locale when multiple
locales are available within the package
/quiet, runs the package in silent mode
/passive, runs the update without any interaction from the user
/norestart, prevents prompting of user when reboot of machine is needed
/forcerestart, forced restart of machine once update is complete
/?, shows this help message'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.STRING.INSTALLING' value 'Installing
update, please wait'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PACKAGE.SUCCESS.WITHERRORS' value 'The installation
is complete. However, some updates were not applied (please see the log for
additional details).'
OPatchInstall: Property 'PATCH.FILEID.EULA' value
OPatchInstall: Property 'PATCH.LANG' value '1033'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.EXTRACT' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.EXTRACTPATH' value 'NONE'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.FORCERESTART' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.HELP' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.LANG' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.LANGVALUE' value 'NONE'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.LOG' value '1'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.LOGPATH' value 'c:\kblog.txt'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.NORESTART' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.PASSIVE' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ARGS.QUIET' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ERROR.CODE' value '0x80004005'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ERROR.INERROR' value '1'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.ERROR.TYPE' value 'HRESULT'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.LANG.LCID' value '1033'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.LANG.NAME' value 'en-us'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.LANG.RTL' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.MSI.VER' value '3.1.4000.4039'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.PATCH.NEEDREBOOT' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.PATCH.SUGGESTREBOOT' value '0'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.PROC.RESULT' value '17302'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.ARCHITECTURE' value 'X86'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.PLATFORM' value 'WINNT'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.SHELLVER' value '6.0.2900.3051'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.SPLEVEL' value '200'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.SYSTEMLCID' value '1033'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.USERADMIN' value '1'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.USERLCID' value '1033'
OPatchInstall: Property 'SYS.WIN.VER' value '501'
OPatchInstall: Property 'XLCONV' value 'NotInstalled'
OPatchInstall: End of all properties
OPatchInstall: ExecuteExtendedDetection done
OPatchInstall: Run Ends
OPatchInstall: Performing clean up
OPatchInstall: Cleaning up MSP Engine
OpatchInstall: Clean up done
OPatchInstall: Run ends