Thanksgiving holidays was the reason for my delay in responding.
I've tried to follow your directions and run into a snag.
1. Created a file called Patch in VISTA in my main folder which has the
same name as my PC (users
cname) and where all other folders located
(Documents, Music, etc).
2. Downloaded the kb934173 file into the file called Patch, disabled
startup programs and restarted.
2. Followed your directions through step 5.
3. After pressing enter, got a window asking me to accept licensing
agreement, which I checked and accepted.
4. Then UAC came up and asked if I wanted to allow the program.
5. Then Error message saying the digital signature did not match, which
terminated the session.
6. Tried to proceed to step 6 msiexec, but it wouldn't let me.
7. Backed out and tried to redo steps 1-5, but when get to step 5, I can't
get the computer to recognize what I type in step 5. I don't know if I'm in
the wrong directory. When the black window comes up it says C:\users\pcname.
If I type cd, then cd patch, it doesn't recoginze. If I type at
C:\users\pcname "cd patch", I can get to patch, but typing the word2007
etc. doesn't work.
Therefore, I was never able to get to the log and I don't know what I'm
doing wrong now. I had assumed I would be able to duplicate your
instructions when I failed the first time and wasn't writing everything down
as it happened.
Also, FYI running McAfee Security Center, which has been causing other
issues on my 2 month old Dell desktop.
Sorry. Can you still help me?