Security Warning about stored email



Hi all-
I am running Outlook 2003 on a WINXP machine, I am trying to add a
groupreply address to the "Have replies sent to" option. JP was able to
assist me with getting that part to work for a new message, but when the user
has an existing email open and wants to add this, I would like for them to be
able to click a button and the email address is added. I have used the
sendkeys function and know that is not the best option. Here is my code I
have now:

Sub ExGroup_Reply_PW()
'## adds group reply info only
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set objMail = myOlApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
With objMail
.ReplyRecipients.Add "(e-mail address removed)"
End With
End Sub

It works, but I get the message that Sue speaks of at:

I could really use some help with supressing or not getting this warning.

Also, we have used this code to open the saveas option and choose the
outlook .msg as the save type:

sendkeys "%fa%too{tab}"

I would love to use better VBA coding to get this done.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

If this VBA code is running in Outlook VBA do not use CreateObject() to get
your Outlook.Application object, that won't be trusted. Use the intrinsic
Application object in Outlook VBA code, that is trusted. Then derive all of
your Outlook objects from the safe Application object.

If this code isn't running in the Outlook VBA project then you already have
the answers on how to avoid the security dialogs from the article you linked

You can open the SaveAs dialog by using the Execute method on the File,
SaveAs CommandBarButton. However once in that dialog there is no exposure to
the object model. As bad as using SendKeys is there is no alternative for
sending a keypress to the dialog unless you go way low level and use a post
action to post a message to the SaveAs dialog window using Win32 API calls.

May I ask why you are going through those hoops instead of using the SaveAs
method of a MailItem and using the olMSG argument for the type of save?


Sorry, I am new to VBA in outlook. I have only been doing these for the past
two days now. I am experienced in VBA in excel and can do nearly anything in
that. So the reason why I am doing things this way is that they are the only
way I know how.

To also answer the Saveas question, we need open the saveas dialog box that
prompts the user for the location that they want to save the file and I want
to have the type defualt to and outlook .msg file type for archive purposes.
Many users use the defualt .rtf format and we are trying to be consistant.

I am searching the web for help and this is where I am at as of now. Thanks
for your advice, though not sure how to apply it.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

The Application part of my advice is easy to follow, just use Application
where you now use myOlApp and get rid of that CreateObject() line.

For the SaveAs, I'd probably construct my own dialog for location, possibly
using the ComDlg controls if those were installed. Otherwise I'd construct a
dialog from scratch or use the Win32 API calls to open the common dialog
Save dialog. has samples of directly using the Win32 API


OK, Ken, I tried what you said below and have included my code as I get a new
error message now. It says "variable or block with not set" I feel like it
says that I have not defined the Application line? Am I correct?

my code:
Sub ExGroup_Reply_PW()
'## adds group reply info only
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem

Set objMail = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
With objMail
.ReplyRecipients.Add "(e-mail address removed)"
End With
End Sub

As for the save portion, that is all greek to me. I am not sure that I would
be able to deploy something like that in this work environment. I am looking
for a simple solution that does not include using sendkeys or something too
complex. It seems that it should be a more simple solution. My sendkeys code
was one line, it works, it just turns off NUM Lock and CAPS lock when ever
that code is run.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

And what line is the error on? If the code is running in the Outlook VBA
project then Application doesn't need declaration. If it's running in some
other VBA project (Word, Excel, etc.) then you can't use Application, you
have to declare and instantiate an Outlook.Application object.

If you are happy with how things work using SendKeys then continue to do so.
You had asked how to avoid using SendKeys and I provided a couple of ways of
how I'd do it. If those are unsuitable for your purposes then stick to what
you have.


This is running in ThisOutlookSession of Outlook. The error comes at the line
Set objMail = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem

I appreciate your advice on the saveas options for me. In your first post
you asked
"May I ask why you are going through those hoops instead of using the SaveAs
method of a MailItem and using the olMSG argument for the type of save?"

The answer would be I do not know how that is done. I am very new to VBA
programming in outlook and am trying to learn as I go. I have used what
worked as a temp solution which was the sendkeys function, but that function
irritates the heck out of the users who use this macro. I am getting Sue's
Outlook Programming book this evening from my local library so maybe I can
learn some more from that.

Your suggestion in you question sounds like a viable solution, I just do not
know how to code that. The work environment we are in is a remote connection
using a Citrix connection, and it is through this that my users need to save
the emails. They have a C drive and a my documents section that they can save
to, but since everyones username is different, I have not found a solution
that can give me a dynamic path to a users folders. Having the open dialog
box of a location the user can choose where to save the email seems like the
best solution, as this lets them choose their own save location. The problem
is people forget to change the file type to outlooks .msg. Does this make
more sense?

Much thanks!

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I can think of 2 reasons why you'd get that error in code running in
ThisOutlookSession: the object isn't a MailItem or there is no
ActiveInspector (nothing open). Otherwise the line should work.

As far as location to save to, I'm afraid my suggestion for finding a path
such as My Documents won't thrill you either if you didn't like the code for
putting up a save dialog.

Here's how I would get the My Documents path for any user in VBA code:

Public Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260

Public Declare Function SHGetFolderPath Lib "shfolder.dll" _
Alias "SHGetFolderPathA" (ByVal hwndOwner As Long, ByVal nFolder As Long,
ByVal hToken As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpszPath As String)
As Long

Public Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As

Public Const CSIDL_PERSONAL = &H5
Public Const S_OK = 0

Public Function GetMyDocumentsPath() As String
Dim buff As String

On Error Resume Next

'fill buffer with the specified folder item
buff = String(MAX_PATH, Chr(0))

If SHGetFolderPath(0&, CSIDL_PERSONAL, -1, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buff) =
S_OK Then
GetMyDocumentsPath = Left$(buff, lstrlenW(StrPtr(buff)))
GetMyDocumentsPath = ""
End If
End Function

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