Security Warning Problem


Bob Vance

I have developed my database with MA 2007 purposely got rid of my 2 macros
and used vb script to replace them (MoveSize)
When I email a copy of this database to my laptop which only has Microsoft
Runtime, I am getting a security warning each time I open the database on my
laptop, Is there some way around not getting this warning, I thought if I
had no Macros this would have worked!

Tom van Stiphout

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 11:59:15 +1200, "Bob Vance" <[email protected]>

Since you don't give us the exact warning, I feel at liberty to
speculate it is related to Trust. Look up "Trust Center" in the help
file and add your folder to the trusted locations.

Microsoft Access MVP

Bob Vance

Thanks Tom, But Runtime does not give you any options to do that, sorry that
was the warning......Thanks Bob


Bob Vance said:
I have developed my database with MA 2007 purposely got rid of my 2 macros
and used vb script to replace them (MoveSize)
When I email a copy of this database to my laptop which only has Microsoft
Runtime, I am getting a security warning each time I open the database on
my laptop, Is there some way around not getting this warning, I thought if
I had no Macros this would have worked!

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