Security Warning


Ben Watts

Whenever I open my MS Acces DB, I keep getting that security warning and have
to click Open. How do I get that to go away permanently. When I go to macro
and security and change the setting to low and then go back in, it resets
itself, therefore not allowing me to change the security. Trying to do a
scheduling here and this is getting in the way!

Larry Daugherty

Just a couple of thoughts:

Do you click OK after setting the Security to low?

If you do then

Is it just possible that Security is being set back to high by VBA in
the application itself?


Ben Watts

How do you fix that then? I dont know much VBA

Larry Daugherty said:
Just a couple of thoughts:

Do you click OK after setting the Security to low?

If you do then

Is it just possible that Security is being set back to high by VBA in
the application itself?


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