See not the data as I take in WHERE-Clause (ODBC)




when I make a simple select from an oracle-db as

select * from oracle_table where number = 'ABCD'

I get one row (there is surely one row with this number -
I can see it with oracle-sql*plus !), but the row I see
after starting the query is not that one with the
number 'ABCD'. Then if I make a select with the WHERE-
Clause like '*XYZ*' I get the correct counts of rows but
all rows are the same !!!
Is like "what I see is not what is seems to be...?"
I have Windows XP, Access 2002 with SP2 an the Jet-Patch
8. I don't understand...

Thanks for help an best regards
Klaus Baringhorst

[MVP] S.Clark

What is the structure of the table?


Steve Clark, Access MVP
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