For future reference keep all communication in the newsgroup thread to
benefit all. No need to email me unless I have specifically directed you to
do so.
You informed me that you are framing your site
That is the issue. Depending on how the links are written, the frames are
written, the host sets up forwarding, etc. etc, frames are easily broken.
Since the URL doesn't really
exist the link as it is won't work. Since the URL of the physical page is - that is the URL you need
to specifically have in the hyperlink.
Go thru your pub file and on the hyperlinks change them from being "a page
in the publication" i.e. pointing to page 1, pointing to page 3, etc. and
select the internet address option instead and in the URL box insert the URL
of the physical page such as
Now as far as your claim that the behavior is different in Netscape, I
wouldn't think that could be, but then I am not an expert in framing (it's
not recommended) nor am I an expert in Netscape which may very well handle
framing differently then IE.
David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
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