Seeing file extensions



Using Groove 2007 workspaces.

When I look in the files section of the workspace the file extensions do not
show. I am looking for the equivalent to window explorer's option "hide
extensions for known file types". There are times when I have both a doc and
docx file for the same content and want to make sure I open up the correct

Does this option exist with Groove 2007?

Justin Rodino

Hi Laura,

The extensions aren't shown unfortunately, however if you're worried
between a .doc and .docx for example, in the far "Type" column you can
see this. A .doc file will show up as "Word 97-2003 Document" and a
..docx file will show up as "Word Document" if you have Office 2007 - as
it gets these descriptors from the registry...You can see what the
descriptors are by opening Windows Explorer and going to Tools -> Folder
Options -> File Types.

On another note, if you need to support Office 2003 clients, but want
..***x extensions, why don't you install the compatibility pack:

rather than trying to have two files, which in the long run is going to
be harder to administer?




Well it was worth asking. I could not find it as an option but was hoping it
was just hidden somewhere. I do have the file type displayed but don't have
the column opened up wide enough to see the full file type.

I have been using the 2007 file versions primarily because there are several
features that won't work when I was using the 97-2003 compatibility mode for
saving files. Pivot tables is one such feature that only works in pure 2007
mode. My clients need the 2007 compatiblity pack, not me. But I don't think
that will happen 100% as I have some that are very slow in getting in the
21st century computer software-wise.

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