Seeing Schedule conflicts in Outlook 2003


Colin at EDS

I've just created a recurring appointment successfully and it says, "4
instances of this recurring appointment conflict with other appointments on
your Calendar".

That's great information but, as the appointment takes place every week
between June 2005 and June 2006, I'd like to know which 4 are in conflict!

I was lokking for a button to press, or to click on the grey line where vthe
message is to see a list. Then I can go through each one and see if it is
more important than the conflict (so delete the conflict) or vice-versa (so
cancel or re-schedule the occurance).

Can anyone help or, if not, can this go forward as a suggestion and would
anyone else like to see the feature?



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Bill at Allegro

This is exactly what I am looking for help with at the moment. The autopick
feature works well when you have one event, but when you have to schedule a
reoccuring appointment, I have no idea how to quickly and efficiently
recognize the conflicts, so you can plan around them. Please help if there
is a way to do this that I am unaware of.

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