Seeing Word Doc in Access Form


Dave Hil

I run a small business buying and selling used machine tools. We keep an
inventory of about 500 machine in stock. We use Access in MS Office
Professional 2003 and 2007

I use the dbase to keep records files of each machine, cost, where came
from, what, sold to, etc. The main description of the machine is keep in a
MS Word document. I want to be able to open the word doc while in the dbase
form screen. I can do this with a hyperlink but when I do it that way,
when it opens the DOC it takes me away from the database form and into
MSwords then I cannot see other information that is on the Dbase form. I
have to keep jumping back and forth. I tried to use a bound OLE object and
can see the word doc but it only shows the first page of a multi page DOC and
there are no scroll bars.

How can I open or see the Word DOC, be able to page up and down to see all
pages of the DOC and still be in Access and on an information form?
I do not have to edit the DOC from inside Access.
I need to keep the Word doc as I use it to attach it and pictures when
emailing the information to customers.

Your thoughts please.

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