Select a cell/row


Leanne M (Aussie)

I have the following code and when the data form opens I want it to be on the
first record. I thought I could enter something like
Range("A3").Select - just before the data form line
but I get an error - Select method of range class failed.

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Sheets("Internal Sales Report").Visible = True
Sheets("Internal Sales Report").Select
Application.Run "ShowDataForm"
End Sub

Most of you will know that I am fairly new at this so thought I was taking
an educated guess! Guess I am not that well eductaed yet.

Leanne M (Aussie)
(Changed Display name from Leanne)
United Kingdom
(Don''t ask me what an Aussie is doing living in the UK!)

Leanne M (Aussie)

I did it!

I thought about selecting the cell I want when I leave the sheet rather than
when I enter it and this works.

Sorry for wasting your time

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