Select all graphics in multi-page document



We merge letters a lot and sometimes a lot of letters. We save the merged,
multi-letter documents for historical purposes. These letters often have a
graphic of a signature. Policy dictates that these history files have the
signature removed for some wacky security reason. The signature is the only
graphic in the merged document. Is there an easy way to select all graphics
for the purpose of deletion? Should I be using a different method entirely?


Use the Replace function (Ctrl+H), add ^g to the Find What box, leave the
Replace empty, Replace all, and all graphics will be deleted.
This only works with graphics that are InLineWithText, any other Picture
Layout(such as Floating in front of text) will not be found. If your
signatures are floating you may need a macro to find them, if so hopefully
some kind macro-guru will contribute here.
Hope this helps


Actually, such a macro would be nice. Your solution is great for the
signature styles you mentioned (which we have), but some signatures have been
placed floating.


I am glad that this worked for some of your pictures.
You always have to watch out for those floaters ;-)

If you find out elsewhere how to find these or get a macro, please repost it
here for information.
All the best

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi R.,

Assuming you're not in Word 2007 then you can use the Select Multiple Objects command as one approach for grabbing and then deleting
the graphics that are 'floating'.

Use View=>Toolbars=>Draw
to turn on the Drawing Toolbar if it's not already visible, then go to

and in the Categories list select 'Drawing' and in the 'Commands' list select then drag the 'Select Multiple Objects' command to the
Drawing toolbar.

Use the command from the drawing toolbar to choose which items to select, then use 'delete' to remove them from the document.

If you need to be able to keep the formatting of the document then you my want to use a macro as you mentioned that can replace the
graphic with say a blank or 'signature removed' graphic of the same size.

Actually, such a macro would be nice. Your solution is great for the
signature styles you mentioned (which we have), but some signatures have been
placed floating. >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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