I have users enter numbers in a text box on a form. What operator can I use
with 'Select Case' to get same result when you use the 'Between" operator in
a query? I need determine is the entered number is 'between' two values. I
can not use 'Between' with Select Case. See code below. Thank you for any
Dim intNumber as Integer
intNumber = Me.txtNumber 'text box where entered number
Select Case intNumber
Case Is Between 0 and 10
GoTo Number10
Case Is Between 11 and 20
GoTo Number20
Case Else
End Select
with 'Select Case' to get same result when you use the 'Between" operator in
a query? I need determine is the entered number is 'between' two values. I
can not use 'Between' with Select Case. See code below. Thank you for any
Dim intNumber as Integer
intNumber = Me.txtNumber 'text box where entered number
Select Case intNumber
Case Is Between 0 and 10
GoTo Number10
Case Is Between 11 and 20
GoTo Number20
Case Else
End Select