Select data from table and post to form



Hi. I have a form that's based on a table called tblMain
which holds employee data. I have another table called
tblPhotographs which I split off to reduce the size of
tblMain. Both tables have unique values and have a common
field called MainID. The form displays each person's
information from tblMain but I'd also like to pull in the
picture without having to create a subform or query. Is it
possible to write a select statement in the picture
control's control source? I was thinking something along
the lines of: =SELECT Photograph FROM tblPhotographs WHERE
MainID=Me!MainID. Any help would be wonderful. Thanks!

John Vinson

I'd also like to pull in the
picture without having to create a subform or query.

"I'd like to drive my car without using the engine".
Is it
possible to write a select statement in the picture
control's control source? I was thinking something along
the lines of: =SELECT Photograph FROM tblPhotographs WHERE
MainID=Me!MainID. Any help would be wonderful. Thanks!

That IS a Query.

Why not just use a Subform?

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