select into



Can anybody tell me how a can get an value from an access
table and store it in a VBA variable.

This is the query
select max(id)
from members

I already tried the help on RunSQL. But the link to
the "select into" topic leads me to a unavailable

thanx in advance

Larry Linson

Take a look at the DMax domain aggregate function.

You can't just use a Query or an SQL statement directly to set a variable or
a specific control on a form or report. That's what the domain aggregate
functions are for.

If none of the domain aggregate functions, DLookup, DMin, DMax, etc. do what
you want. You'll have to open a Recordset on the Query and set the variable
from the content in the Recordset.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


if you are using dao:

dim qdf as dao.querydef
dim sqlstring as string
dim rs as dao.recordset
dim lMax as long

set qdf=currentdb.createquerydef("")
sqlstring ="select max(id) from members"
set rs=qdf.openrecordset
if rs.recordcount>0 then
if isnull(rs.fields(0))=false then
end if
end if
'closing recordset

Scott McDaniel

Why create a querydef? Not picking, just asking if there is a reason why you
would do it. This is much simpler:

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngID As Long

Set rs = currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT MAX(id) AS BigID FROM members")

If Not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) Then
end if


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