Select last record!




I'm having real trouble getting the 'On Change' event for
a combo box on a Form to select the last entered record in
a table that has the selected option in the combo box.
Once selected then populate other fields on the form with
the data from that record.

I tried using the SQL code
but with no luck. Is there an easy way to do this.



John Vinson


I'm having real trouble getting the 'On Change' event for
a combo box on a Form to select the last entered record in
a table that has the selected option in the combo box.

The On Change event isn't actually appropriate for this: it fires
*with every keystroke* if you type in the combo. The combo's
AfterUpdate event will work better.
Once selected then populate other fields on the form with
the data from that record.

I tried using the SQL code
but with no luck. Is there an easy way to do this.

Could you post your actual code? Note that SQL is one language, and
VBA is a different language; you can't mix them. The code as written
selects no fields from no table with no criteria... so it wouldn't do

John Vinson

This is what I had tried so far:

Private Sub A_CNo_Change()
Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset

You need to define the dbs object, e.g.

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT TOP 1 " _
& "A/CNo FROM Dail Record " _

Since there are special characters, e.g. / and blank, in the field and
table names you must enclose them in square brackets.
& "WHERE A/CNo = A/CNo.text")

I'm not sure what this means. What is A/CNo.text? A/Cno is a field in
your table, and fields don't have Text properties!

Since it's a form control name, you again need brackets; to prevent
confusion (field, or control?) I'd rename the control to something
like cboACNo and pull the reference OUT of the quotes.

Also, for the Top 1 to work you must specify an Order By clause. I
don't have any idea what field in the table you want to use for
sorting, so I can't suggest what; but as a step on the road try

Dim strSQL As String
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 [A/CNo] FROM [Dail Record]" _
& " WHERE [Dail Record].[A/CNo] = " & Me!cboACNo" _
& " ORDER BY <some field I don't know>"
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot

<do something with rst, I don't know just what you want done>

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