Select Names window is blank



I'm running Outlook 2003 under WinXP Home SP2.

In my previous version of Outlook, when I clicked "To:" the Select Names
window came up with a list of all my contacts that have an email address.
According to Help, my current version should do the same; however, both
panes come up completely devoid of names and folders. What did I set up

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

If you have Contacts in the Contacts folder but they are not accessible when
you click on the To button, check these settings:

Make sure the Contact folder is enabled as an email address book. Right
click the Contacts folder, choose Properties then Outlook Address Book. Is
the box to enable as email address book is checked?

If this is grayed out...

Go to Tools | Email Accounts, choose View or change existing directories or
address book. Is the Outlook Address Book present? If it isn't listed, add
it and close and restart Outlook. If it is listed, then remove it and close
then restart Outlook and repeat these steps to add it.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

This is a common occurrence when moving things around -- the association
between the Contacts folder and the Outlook Address Book gets broken. To fix
it, go to Tools | E-mail accounts, select "View or change existing
directories or address books", and click Next. If you don't see the OAB in
the Directories and Address Books list, click the Back button, then select
"Add a new directory or address book", then "Additional Address Books", and
add the OAB. Then keep clicking Back until you get back to the first dialog
box, and go back to the Directories and Address Books list as you did earlier.

Once the OAB appears in the list, select it and then click Change to make
sure the Contacts folder(s) you want to display are listed. If any of them
aren't listed, you'll need to enable those Contacts folders as Outlook
Address Books by right clicking the folder, selecting Properties, clicking
the Outlook Address Book tab, and checking the "Show this folder as an E-mail
address book" box. Make sure you restart Outlook after making these changes.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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What a team! Jocelyn guides me very nicely up to a point where I think I've
hit the wall because something I'm supposed to click is dimmed, and Diane
comes through with "If this is grayed out..."

Everything worked out. I did this for my daughter, and now I'm her hero!

Thanks a lot!

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