Select next blank cell


rob nobel

I'm using the following to locate the next blank cell.
ActiveSheet.Range("G6000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
I find though, that if the cells have a formula in them that even if the
value is blank, this procedure thinks otherwise. How can this be amended to
ignore the formula, which is =IF(A37=TRUE,F37,) down the column.

Dave Peterson

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = ActiveSheet.Evaluate("=MAX(ROW(G1:G6000)*(G1:G6000<>""""))")

MsgBox LastRow & " Is the lastrow with something on it"


End Sub

You could also just loop through the cells looking for a cell that looks blank.

rob nobel

Another grat solution! Thanks Dave.
(And no extra charge for the message box? - cute.)

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