Select numbers between two numbers...


Darin Kramer

Hi guys,

Got a list of 50 numbers from 1 to 1000

Want to stratify into different groups... ie 1 to 50, and then 50 to
100, etc... formulae possible to do so...?

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Markus Scheible

Hi Darin,

Want to stratify into different groups... ie 1 to 50, and then 50 to
100, etc... formulae possible to do so...?



This gives you back numbers from 0 to 20 with the
following system:

if number < 50 then 0
if 50 < number < 100 then 1
if 100 < number < 150 then 2

and so on.

You could use this number to fill the numbers into
different data arrays...



Darin Kramer

Hi Mark,

The int function rounds down to the nearest integer... dont quite
understand how that will assist in finding my numbers....?
a1 1
a2 20
a3 25
a4 28
a5 32
a6 34

So if I ask for numbers between 20 and 30 I need a response of 3.

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Ron Rosenfeld

Hi guys,

Got a list of 50 numbers from 1 to 1000

Want to stratify into different groups... ie 1 to 50, and then 50 to
100, etc... formulae possible to do so...?

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It's not clear what kind of output you want, but have a look at FREQUENCY and
HISTOGRAM functions.


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