It was a long day for me too. Hopefully I can be clearer.
I review medical records (MRs). I created a form that includes the MR number,
other demographic information, and a series of yes/no audit questions. The
form also includes 4 combo boxes linked to 4 separate fields in my data table
(MD1 - MD4). These combo boxes list the staff physician names (~40) and each
combo box references the same list of physicians. Along side the combo boxes
are 4 yes/no check boxes (MDSig1 - MDSig4). I check the boxes during my
audits to indicate the need to obtain physician signatures on the medical
records (check = yes, signature required). A separate form is used to log
receipt of completed follow up reports with check boxes (MD1 Comp - MD4 Comp).
Both forms refer to just one table. The table stores records based on the MR
My query references this data table and the following statements "IIf ((Data.
[MD1]=-1 And Data. [MD1 Comp]=0), Data. [MD1],"") AS MDSig1" list which
physicians still need follow up letters sent. There are 4 of these
statements generating MDSig1 - MDSig4. Occasionally there is only one
physician per MR. Sometimes there are 4, but usually there are 2-3.
My report is 4 pages and generates the 4 follow up letters. The header
includes medical record data specific to each MR (i.e. MR Number, Patient
Name, Diagnosis, etc.). The footer includes a physician signature / comment
section. The Detail section is split into 4 pages with page breaks and has a
place for physician name generated by the query (i.e. MDSig1 on page 1,
MDSig2 on page 2, etc.). This indicates who to mail the report to.
With this set up I get multiple pages with no physician name because a null
character "" is returned by my iif statement. Those pages get trashed when
the reports are printed. Likewise reviewing the forms in print preview shows
those reports.
I am wondering if there is a way to limit the report to show / print only
those pages with physician names on them...and not the ones with the null "".
That may be page 1 and page 4 for one record, pages 1-4 for the next, etc...
I hope this makes sense. I don’t know where to go from here.
Thanks again...and sorry for the earlier ramblings...