Select Projects for resource levelling



I need to choose the project for my resource levelling...
In the resource usage I can see the assignments for all project in my
database or only for my project, but I need to see the assignments
only for some projects...

There are some way to do this without change the resource?
Choose the projects will participate of my resource levelling?

Thanks Friends,

Dale Howard [MVP]

Marcio --

In the future, it would help if you told us what version of Project Server
you are using. 2002, 2003, or 2007? My answer is based on the assumption
you are using Project Server 2003. Here's how to handle your leveling

1. Launch Project Professional 2003.
2. In the Project Server Accounts dialog, deselect the "Load summary
resource assignments" option and click the Connect button.
3. Open only the projects in which you want to level overallocated

The Resource Usage view will show only the assignments in the open projects.
From there, level as you wish. Hope this helps.

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