How would I change this SQL query so that it would select the ClientAFE that
is attached to Project 3470 instead of having to use the AFE number as part
of the query:
SELECT [Bramso Invoices].Invoice, [Bramso Invoices].Date, [Bramso
Invoices].Location, [Bramso Invoices].[Project Type], [Bramso
Invoices].Project, IIf([Project] Is Not
Null,[Projects].[ClientAFE],"0810873") AS AFE
FROM [Bramso Invoices] INNER JOIN Projects ON [Bramso Invoices].Project =
is attached to Project 3470 instead of having to use the AFE number as part
of the query:
SELECT [Bramso Invoices].Invoice, [Bramso Invoices].Date, [Bramso
Invoices].Location, [Bramso Invoices].[Project Type], [Bramso
Invoices].Project, IIf([Project] Is Not
Null,[Projects].[ClientAFE],"0810873") AS AFE
FROM [Bramso Invoices] INNER JOIN Projects ON [Bramso Invoices].Project =