Hi all
I am having trouble working out the code to select the range,
Its difficult this time as i need to work out the Letter rather then number
in the
range().select code
From the code below, you will see i have asked it to select row A7 then
start going accross
until it picks up on a date, where then i want to select the cell, 2 cells
down from that
eg if the date is found on M7, I then want to select range M9 but how to i
show that using the varible i used to find the date, eg using my QQQ code ?
This is the part i am having probs with Range(QQQ & ":9").Select
Full code below, Many Thanks!
For QQQ = 0 To 200
checkfordate = Cells(7, 1 + QQQ).Value
If checkfordate = dateoftt Then GoTo doneqqq
Next QQQ
Range(QQQ & ":9").Select ' to equal range(M9).select somehow ?
I am having trouble working out the code to select the range,
Its difficult this time as i need to work out the Letter rather then number
in the
range().select code
From the code below, you will see i have asked it to select row A7 then
start going accross
until it picks up on a date, where then i want to select the cell, 2 cells
down from that
eg if the date is found on M7, I then want to select range M9 but how to i
show that using the varible i used to find the date, eg using my QQQ code ?
This is the part i am having probs with Range(QQQ & ":9").Select
Full code below, Many Thanks!
For QQQ = 0 To 200
checkfordate = Cells(7, 1 + QQQ).Value
If checkfordate = dateoftt Then GoTo doneqqq
Next QQQ
Range(QQQ & ":9").Select ' to equal range(M9).select somehow ?