SELECT records between two dates - syntax problem


Leonard Priestley

I am designing a form which should enable the user to select records
according to a specified date, or date window.

So far I have managed to limit the recordset to dates before a date
specified in a textbox called txtFromDate. I used the code:

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT tblDiscussion.Action, tblDiscussion.ActionDate _
FROM tblDiscussion _
WHERE (((tblDiscussion.Action) Is Not Null) AND ((tblDiscussion.ActionDate)
Is Not Null)) AND tblDiscussion.ActionDate < #" & Format(txtFromDate,
"YYYY/MM/DD") & "#" & " _
ORDER BY tblDiscussion.ActionDate"

The code I used looks the way it does because I live in New Zealand, where
dates are in the dd/mm/yyyy format, and the code "tblTable.Field = #" &
txtFromDate & "#" only seems to work reliably with US style dates.

My problem is that I would now like to extend the process, to specify both
an earlier and later date, using textboxes txtFromDate and txtToDate.

At this point, I have got bogged down in the syntax. I have spent hours
attempting to get it right, but I am no expert and the learning curve is
steep. What I have so far is:

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT tblDiscussion.Action, tblDiscussion.ActionDate _
FROM tblDiscussion _
WHERE (((tblDiscussion.Action) Is Not Null) AND ((tblDiscussion.ActionDate)
Is Not Null)) AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate < #" & Format(txtFromDate,
"YYYY/MM/DD") & "#") & "AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate > #" &
Format(txtToDate, "YYYY/MM/DD") & "#" & "ORDER BY tblDiscussion.ActionDate"

Any help gratefully received.
Failing that Aspirin would be acceptable

Leonard Priestley


A few things:

(1) As you suspect, dates in SQL statements must *always* be in US format,
regardless of your locale or PC settings.

(2) Be aware that Null values *fail all tests in all cases*. So if the
action date was null, *both* of these next tests would fail:
ActionDate >= #2003/1/1#
ActionDate <= #3002/1/1#
So you do not actually need the (tblDiscussion.ActionDate) Is Not Null. But
there is nothing wrong with keeping it there for clarity, if you want to do

(3) Here's a simple form of your statement. Note the use of preliminary
steps to make it simpler. Or you could write a function to return US format
date strings (including the #...#s) whenever you need them.

dim s1 as string, s2 as string
s1 = "#" & format$ (Me![txtFromDate], "YYYY/MM/DD") & "#"
s2 = "#" & format$ (Me![txtToDate], "YYYY/MM/DD") & "#"
me.recordsource = _
"SELECT Action, ActionDate" & _
" FROM tblDiscussion" & _
" WHERE ActionDate BETWEEN " & s1 & " AND " & s2 & _
" ORDER BY ActionDate"



oops, if you want to ensure that the ACTION is not null (as well as the
action DATE not null):

" FROM tblDiscussion" & _
" WHERE ActionDate BETWEEN " & s1 & " AND " & s2 & _" ORDER BY ActionDate"


TC said:
A few things:

(1) As you suspect, dates in SQL statements must *always* be in US format,
regardless of your locale or PC settings.

(2) Be aware that Null values *fail all tests in all cases*. So if the
action date was null, *both* of these next tests would fail:
ActionDate >= #2003/1/1#
ActionDate <= #3002/1/1#
So you do not actually need the (tblDiscussion.ActionDate) Is Not Null. But
there is nothing wrong with keeping it there for clarity, if you want to do

(3) Here's a simple form of your statement. Note the use of preliminary
steps to make it simpler. Or you could write a function to return US format
date strings (including the #...#s) whenever you need them.

dim s1 as string, s2 as string
s1 = "#" & format$ (Me![txtFromDate], "YYYY/MM/DD") & "#"
s2 = "#" & format$ (Me![txtToDate], "YYYY/MM/DD") & "#"
me.recordsource = _
"SELECT Action, ActionDate" & _
" FROM tblDiscussion" & _
" WHERE ActionDate BETWEEN " & s1 & " AND " & s2 & _
" ORDER BY ActionDate"


Leonard Priestley said:
I am designing a form which should enable the user to select records
according to a specified date, or date window.

So far I have managed to limit the recordset to dates before a date
specified in a textbox called txtFromDate. I used the code:

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT tblDiscussion.Action, tblDiscussion.ActionDate _
FROM tblDiscussion _
WHERE (((tblDiscussion.Action) Is Not Null) AND ((tblDiscussion.ActionDate)
Is Not Null)) AND tblDiscussion.ActionDate < #" & Format(txtFromDate,
"YYYY/MM/DD") & "#" & " _
ORDER BY tblDiscussion.ActionDate"

The code I used looks the way it does because I live in New Zealand, where
dates are in the dd/mm/yyyy format, and the code "tblTable.Field = #" &
txtFromDate & "#" only seems to work reliably with US style dates.

My problem is that I would now like to extend the process, to specify both
an earlier and later date, using textboxes txtFromDate and txtToDate.

At this point, I have got bogged down in the syntax. I have spent hours
attempting to get it right, but I am no expert and the learning curve is
steep. What I have so far is:

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT tblDiscussion.Action, tblDiscussion.ActionDate _
FROM tblDiscussion _
WHERE (((tblDiscussion.Action) Is Not Null) AND ((tblDiscussion.ActionDate)
Is Not Null)) AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate < #" & Format(txtFromDate,
"YYYY/MM/DD") & "#") & "AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate > #" &
Format(txtToDate, "YYYY/MM/DD") & "#" & "ORDER BY tblDiscussion.ActionDate"

Any help gratefully received.
Failing that Aspirin would be acceptable

Leonard Priestley

John Vinson

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT tblDiscussion.Action, tblDiscussion.ActionDate _
FROM tblDiscussion _
WHERE (((tblDiscussion.Action) Is Not Null) AND ((tblDiscussion.ActionDate)
Is Not Null)) AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate < #" & Format(txtFromDate,
"YYYY/MM/DD") & "#") & "AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate > #" &
Format(txtToDate, "YYYY/MM/DD") & "#" & "ORDER BY tblDiscussion.ActionDate"

It helps a lot to build up the SQL string in a variable and look at it
using the debugging facilities in the VBA editor. I think all that's
happening here is that you are missing some blanks and parentheses -
this will (for arbitrary dates) give you

SELECT tblDiscussion.Action, tblDiscussion.ActionDate FROM
tblDiscussion WHERE (((tblDiscussion.Action) Is Not Null) AND
((tblDiscussion.ActionDate) Is Not Null)) AND
(tblDiscussion.ActionDate < #2003/10/13#AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate
#2003/10/18#ORDER BY tblDiscussion.ActionDate

Note that the formatted dates and the SQL operators are jammed
together and the string dosen't have enough right parens. Just put
them inside the text string:

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT tblDiscussion.Action,
tblDiscussion.ActionDate _
FROM tblDiscussion _
WHERE (((tblDiscussion.Action) Is Not Null) AND
Is Not Null)) AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate < #" & Format(txtFromDate,
"YYYY/MM/DD") & "#) AND (tblDiscussion.ActionDate > #" &
Format(txtToDate, "YYYY/MM/DD") & "#) ORDER BY


It looks to me like the greater than and less than clauses
are reversed? I'm a long way from NZ but my users think of
from-to dates as going from the earlier date to the later

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