I am writing an application in VB and I have pretty much figure
everything out except the following. I am creating the document pag
by page (using sections). If a particular section flows onto a second
third, etc page I need to place a special graphic at the top of thos
pages. I am using Doc.Range.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) t
decide if I have created a following page, but how to I create m
selection so that I can add a graphic to those following pages?
Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToPage, which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=x
Call AddDocumentPicture(GetTitleImage("food"), 0, 0
title_image_position, "L", "H", Selection.Range)
this code puts the graphic in the middle of the original page.
Any help at this point would be graciously appreciated.
Thank Yo
everything out except the following. I am creating the document pag
by page (using sections). If a particular section flows onto a second
third, etc page I need to place a special graphic at the top of thos
pages. I am using Doc.Range.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) t
decide if I have created a following page, but how to I create m
selection so that I can add a graphic to those following pages?
Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToPage, which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=x
Call AddDocumentPicture(GetTitleImage("food"), 0, 0
title_image_position, "L", "H", Selection.Range)
this code puts the graphic in the middle of the original page.
Any help at this point would be graciously appreciated.
Thank Yo