select second page of a section



I am writing an application in VB and I have pretty much figure
everything out except the following. I am creating the document pag
by page (using sections). If a particular section flows onto a second
third, etc page I need to place a special graphic at the top of thos
pages. I am using Doc.Range.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) t
decide if I have created a following page, but how to I create m
selection so that I can add a graphic to those following pages?

Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToPage, which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=x
Call AddDocumentPicture(GetTitleImage("food"), 0, 0
title_image_position, "L", "H", Selection.Range)

this code puts the graphic in the middle of the original page.

Any help at this point would be graciously appreciated.
Thank Yo

Jonathan West

I'd suggest you anchor the picture to the page header, so that it
automatically appears on each page.

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < Jonathan West > écrivait :
In this message, < Jonathan West > wrote:

|| I'd suggest you anchor the picture to the page header, so that it
|| automatically appears on each page.
|| --

To add to Jonathan's advice...
If I understood correctly, make the first page of the first section have a
different header/footer. All you have to do is anchor your graphic to the
primary header (not the first page header) of the first section. Then, when
you add sections, your graphic will appear only on second and subsequent
pages of any section (as long as you keep "Same as previous", which is the
default when adding section breaks).

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
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