Select Table Issue



When connecting a Word mege document to an Excel data document, it requests
you to select table. Arter selecting the worksheet to use from the Excel
file, it again asks you to select table, but does not offer any options. Any
ideas what is causing this or how to fix it?

Peter Jamieson

Which version of Word?

What do the dialog boxes look like, e.g.
does the first one have a list of worksheets (and perhaps range names) and
a check box saying "First row of data contains column headers"?
does the second one have a list of sheets and a button saying "options"?
or what?

This can happen if Word 2002/2003 is unable to open the worksheet using its
default method (OLEDB) , in which case
a. the spreadsheet could be password-protected (in which case I'd expect
you to see yet another dialog box)
b. the spreadsheet could be corrupted in some way - if it's simple and
contains no formulas or easily re-inserted formulas, make sure you've saved
your original, then try saving it as .csv, re-opening the .csv, and saving
as .xls again, and try again.

Peter Jamieson

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