Select the first number/numbers in a cell input into another colum



I have a description cell that has variable alphanumeric characters. the
first one to two numbers I would like to copy to another column for the size
of the description
i.e. AA_NAAAa NNN AA N. The number I want is the first number unless the
description shows AANNANN NNNN aAa n, I would want the first two numbers.
these numbers indicate the size of the material. I don't know if a macro
and/or a function would be the best way to go.

Gary''s Student

This follows the following rule:

If the third character is an underscore, return the fourth character as a
If the third character is a number, return the third and fourth characters
as a number:



My example wasn't clear enough. if description begins with CV_ show left
digits 4 and 5 i.e.CV 45aa nnn aaa etc, If description begins with VAA shw
left digits 4 and 5 else show 0. i.e. VAA05X05 NNNN aaaann nn etc.

Gary''s Student

Still not clear. Please post several examples of the input data and along
side the desired numeric output.

Gary''s Student

This is much more general. The UDF will return the first one or two digits
in any string:

Function numout(r As Range) As Integer
Dim v As String
v = r.Value
numout = 0
j = 1
For i = 1 To Len(v)
dig = Mid(v, i, 1)
If IsNumeric(dig) Then
numout = numout * j + dig
j = j + 9
End If
If j > 10 Then Exit Function
End Function

Ron Rosenfeld

I have a description cell that has variable alphanumeric characters. the
first one to two numbers I would like to copy to another column for the size
of the description
i.e. AA_NAAAa NNN AA N. The number I want is the first number unless the
description shows AANNANN NNNN aAa n, I would want the first two numbers.
these numbers indicate the size of the material. I don't know if a macro
and/or a function would be the best way to go.

If there will be a maximum of two numbers in the first group of numbers, then:


If there could be more than two numbers, but you only want to return the first
two, then:


or, to return the value as numeric rather than text:


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