Select with Conditions



I would like to query my table to output [Name] and [Location] based upon the
presense of multiple entries in [Location]. In my example below, "Jones" and
"Smith" will output in my query since they were in [Location] in different
entries (Seattle and Cleveland). To compare: Lawson has two entries too but
they were the same so he will not show up on my query. Is this a good time
to use a subquery? TY Brian

[Name] [Location]
Jones Seattle
Smith Seattle
Lawson Annapolis
Jones Cleveland
Smith Cleveland
Lawson Annapolis

Desired Output
[Name] [Location]
Jones Seattle
Jones Cleveland
Smith Seattle
Smith Cleveland


Subqueries? what is that? :)

SELECT name, location
FROM somewhere
GROUP BY name, location

Vanderghast, Access MVP


Thank you for the help. However I am getting an error in my SS2K5 SS Mgt
Studio Execute window. Is thtere something obvious that I'm missing?

Column 'tblMain.Name' is invalid in the select list because it is not
contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

Is there something obvious in my SQL that I'm missing here?

vanderghast said:
Subqueries? what is that? :)

SELECT name, location
FROM somewhere
GROUP BY name, location

Vanderghast, Access MVP

briank said:
I would like to query my table to output [Name] and [Location] based upon
presense of multiple entries in [Location]. In my example below, "Jones"
"Smith" will output in my query since they were in [Location] in different
entries (Seattle and Cleveland). To compare: Lawson has two entries too
they were the same so he will not show up on my query. Is this a good
to use a subquery? TY Brian

[Name] [Location]
Jones Seattle
Smith Seattle
Lawson Annapolis
Jones Cleveland
Smith Cleveland
Lawson Annapolis

Desired Output
[Name] [Location]
Jones Seattle
Jones Cleveland
Smith Seattle
Smith Cleveland

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