Selected text "highlight" when opening pages



I'm using One Note to create an electronic portfolio. When I'm done, I will
need to present it to my committee. Is there a way to make it stop
highlighting the text on a page when I open it? I'm not talking about using
the highlighter tool. I mean the blue color when you *select text*. I can
click in the text to take off the highlight, leave and come back with it
fine. Sometime later when I come back... it's all selected again! It looks
more professional and "finished" without a mishmash of some pages of text


I think I found a "work-around"... if my last action is to put my cursor in
the title box and add a space, I think it works... it seems to come back to
that each time, which works for what I need.... I'll just have to make sure
that each page is "finished" that way before the presentation. Suggestions
still welcome if something else would work too. Thanks!

Rainald Taesler

Jen shared these words of wisdom:
I think I found a "work-around"... if my last action is to put my
cursor in the title box and add a space, I think it works... it
seems to come back to that each time, which works for what I
need.... I'll just have to make sure that each page is "finished"
that way before the presentation.

When reopening a page it always comes up in the state it was when
So the easiest way of solving your problem to me seems to be to just
click outside the container you worked on. Clicking on top of the page
outside the container will leave the cursor there so that nothing is
highlighted when you open the page again.


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