Selecting a particular Frame




I have had help of here recently to help me batch change 2 frames in a

I need to be able to ensure which frame I am changing. One of the frames
has a bookmark in it but the otherone doesn't I need to be able to change
both frames but there doesn't seem to be any standard as to which is frame 1
and which is frame 2.

Can I set this knowing that one frame has a book mark in it?

Hope this makes sense


Jonathan West

JayM said:

I have had help of here recently to help me batch change 2 frames in a

I need to be able to ensure which frame I am changing. One of the frames
has a bookmark in it but the otherone doesn't I need to be able to change
both frames but there doesn't seem to be any standard as to which is frame
and which is frame 2.

Can I set this knowing that one frame has a book mark in it?

Dim oFrame As Frame
Set oFrame = ActiveDOcument.Bookmarks("MyBookmark").Range.Frames(1)

Change the name of the bookmark as needed



Thanks for your help with this but I think my document is just getting
confused now.

It thinks that the frame with the bookmark is both frame 1 and 2 now and
moves the bookmarked frame from its original position then to the new
bookmarked frame
position and then moves it again to the frame(2) position and doesn't move
frame(2) at all.

Are there any other ways in which I can reference the frames. I think I am
going to have to end up doing this manually!!!!!


Jonathan West

JayM said:

Thanks for your help with this but I think my document is just getting
confused now.

It thinks that the frame with the bookmark is both frame 1 and 2 now

Impossible. You can't have two bookmarks of the same name in a single
moves the bookmarked frame from its original position then to the new
bookmarked frame
position and then moves it again to the frame(2) position and doesn't move
frame(2) at all.

Are there any other ways in which I can reference the frames. I think I
going to have to end up doing this manually!!!!!

That may be so. We need some completely unambiguous means by which the
correct frame can be identified in all the documents of the set. Not being
able to see the documents myself, I'm not in a position to know how to
define that.

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