Selecting a range


Suh Suk Ho

Dear Colleagues;

I'm trying to find a value in a named range and, if the value I'm looking
for is found, then copy values in 4 cells right next to the cell and paste
it to a different location. As below;

For Each cell In Sheets("Specifications").Range("ModelName")

If cell.Value = frmModelSelect.lboxRight.List(i) Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5) & "").Select


Sheets("Quotation").Range("A" & Cell_A25 & "").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False

End If


I thought the above Select method will do the work but it doesn't. How
should I do it? As you can see, I'm trying to select 4 cells in row right
next to the active cell. Please help!

Suh, Suk Ho


Try without offset:


-----Original Message-----
Dear Colleagues;

I'm trying to find a value in a named range and, if the value I'm looking
for is found, then copy values in 4 cells right next to the cell and paste
it to a different location. As below;

For Each cell In Sheets("Specifications").Range ("ModelName")

If cell.Value = frmModelSelect.lboxRight.List(i) Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) & ":" &

Dave Peterson

How about:


instead of the .select and the .copy lines.

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