Selecting "All But"


Kevin Sprinkel

I have a report, consisting of a series of subreports,
that measures our company's estimates of commercial
construction projects vs. actual bid data.

A query selects our last estimate, which is compared to
the awarded bid, by the following SQL statement:

SELECT M.JobNumber, M.EstimateNumber, M.Amount
FROM tblEstimateData AS M
WHERE (((M.EstimateNumber)=(SELECT Max(EstimateNumber)
FROM tblEstimateData As T
WHERE T.JobNumber = M.JobNumber)));

I wish to create another subreport which includes all of
the other bids, i.e., all BUT the last. Can anyone tell
me how?

Jeff Boyce


I may not fully understand your objectives, but it seems like you could
change the WHERE statement to be "<>" instead of "="...

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Kevin Sprinkel

I may not fully understand your objectives, but it seems
like you could
change the WHERE statement to be "<>" instead of "="...

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

I'm never quite sure how much detail to include--I don't
want to bore anyone, but they need context.

To clarify, when we receive actual bid results on a
construction project we've estimated, we publish them and
a comparison to our estimate as a tool to market the
accuracy of our estimating services. Frequently, we
produce more than one estimate for a given project, at
different stages of design completion.

For the report I'm designing, I wish to display different
data and font styles for the last estimate and prior
ones. Splitting them into two subreports seems the most
straightforward way of achieving what I (read: my boss)

Thanks for your help; your suggestion solved the problem.

Best regards.
Kevin Sprinkel

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