Selecting an image with a hyperlink

  • Thread starter MargaretBartley
  • Start date


I have an image with a hyperlink attached to it.
Do I have to remove the hyperlink before I can select the image to copy it
to another document, and then add the hyperlink to both of them?

I tried selecting the entire text, including the image, but the image was
not pasted into the new document.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TWFyZ2FyZXRCYXJ0bGV5?=,
I have an image with a hyperlink attached to it.
Do I have to remove the hyperlink before I can select the image to copy it
to another document, and then add the hyperlink to both of them?

I tried selecting the entire text, including the image, but the image was
not pasted into the new document.
Which version of Word are we discussing?

Can you list the steps used to originally put this image in the document and
attach a hyperlink to it? If we can duplicate what you did, perhaps we can
figure out what you need to do...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


I have an image with a hyperlink attached to it.
Which version of Word are we discussing?

Can you list the steps used to originally put this image in the document and
attach a hyperlink to it? If we can duplicate what you did, perhaps we can
figure out what you need to do...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This is Word 2003 on Windows XP.
The image is in a table. I don't know if that makes a difference.
I have the image on my hard drive.
I put the cursor in the cell, and clicked on Insert | Picture | FromFile...
and selected it from my hard drive.

The image is the only thing in the cell.

I formatted the image as "In Line with Text".

The pointer changes to a hand when I hover over the image (as it does with
all hyperlinked objects) and I don't know what to do to select the image, as
opposed to having it open up the browser.

The right-click menu offers some formatting and hyperlink options, but the
Copy and the Cut menu choices are greyed out.

Cindy M.

Hi Margaret,
This is Word 2003 on Windows XP.
The image is in a table. I don't know if that makes a difference.
I have the image on my hard drive.
I put the cursor in the cell, and clicked on Insert | Picture | FromFile...
and selected it from my hard drive.

The image is the only thing in the cell.

I formatted the image as "In Line with Text".

The pointer changes to a hand when I hover over the image (as it does with
all hyperlinked objects) and I don't know what to do to select the image, as
opposed to having it open up the browser.

The right-click menu offers some formatting and hyperlink options, but the
Copy and the Cut menu choices are greyed out.
Just so it's clear: using the steps you list here should *not* be hyperlinking
the picture you're inserting. If you're getting a hyperlink, then you must have
some kind of macro or tool running that's doing this for you.

In addition, the default in Word 2003 is to NOT follow a hyperlink unless you
hold down CTRL when clicking. This is controlled over Tools/Options/Edit/"Use
Ctrl+click to follow hyperlink"

If you hold Ctrl when you start Word, that will put you into "safe mode".
Create a table in a new document and insert a picture. This picture should not
be a hyperlink?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


You are correct - I quit the description too early.

After I place the picture in the document, I select the picture, click on
Ctl+K and insert the URL for the hyperlink in the text box provided, and
close the dialog box.

Now that the picture has a hyperlink, I find I cannot select it anymore,
even when I copy the entire table, the image is not copied.

My original question was how to copy the picture with a hyperlink. Do I
have to remove the hyperlink before I can select the picure, and copy it
without the hyperlink, and then re-insert the hyperlink into both the
original and the copied picture if I want to have both images with hyperlinks

Cindy M.

Hi Margaret,

I'm sorry, but I still can't reproduce the problem.
You are correct - I quit the description too early.

After I place the picture in the document, I select the picture, click on
Ctl+K and insert the URL for the hyperlink in the text box provided, and
close the dialog box.

Now that the picture has a hyperlink, I find I cannot select it anymore,
even when I copy the entire table, the image is not copied.

My original question was how to copy the picture with a hyperlink. Do I
have to remove the hyperlink before I can select the picure, and copy it
without the hyperlink, and then re-insert the hyperlink into both the
original and the copied picture if I want to have both images with hyperlinks
on them.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


So,now you have a Word document that you've inserted a graphic into, and
you've attached a URL as a hyperlink to that graphic. When you roll over the
graphic, the pointer changes to a hand, indcating that there is a hyperlnk,
and if you click on the graphic, you open the URL, right?

So, how do you select that graphic if you want to move it, resize it, or
copy it, if the click event opens the hyperlink?

Does your browser not open when you clickon the graphic?


Based on one of your earlier posts it sounds like the graphic is In Line -
if so, put your insertion point immediately to the right of it in the same
text line, then hold Shift while you press Left Arrow. That will enable
selection of the image, then you can right-click it to copy/cut.

Alternatively, you can Shift-Click the image to select it, then right-click
to copy/cut.

Both techniques work regardless of what the Tools>Options>Edit -
Control+Click is set to, but with Text Wrapping applied neither is
necessary. It's the In Line property that prohibits directly selecting by
way of right-click.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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