Using Access 2007. I have a table of clubs and a table of club_gifts. They
are linked via a key club#. I want to produce a report of all clubs from the
club table plus all records from the club_gifts. There may be multiple rows
for a given club in the club_gifts table, but I only want one row with the
total of the gift_amount. I have build a union query, but when a club has a
record in the club_gift table, it appears twice in the query results, once as
the row in the clubs table and once as a record in the club_gifts table. I
only want the latter record to show. Is there a way to do this in either the
query or a report based on the query?
Club table: Club_gifts table:
Club_Num Club_Num
Club_name Club_name
Club_mbrs Gift_date
Result desired:
Club Name Members Gift Amount Gift/Mbr
BBBBBB 50 $150 $3.00
DDDDD 70 $350 $5.00
Total 282 $500 $1.77 ($500/282=1.77)
Does anyone have any good ideas for me to try?
are linked via a key club#. I want to produce a report of all clubs from the
club table plus all records from the club_gifts. There may be multiple rows
for a given club in the club_gifts table, but I only want one row with the
total of the gift_amount. I have build a union query, but when a club has a
record in the club_gift table, it appears twice in the query results, once as
the row in the clubs table and once as a record in the club_gifts table. I
only want the latter record to show. Is there a way to do this in either the
query or a report based on the query?
Club table: Club_gifts table:
Club_Num Club_Num
Club_name Club_name
Club_mbrs Gift_date
Result desired:
Club Name Members Gift Amount Gift/Mbr
BBBBBB 50 $150 $3.00
DDDDD 70 $350 $5.00
Total 282 $500 $1.77 ($500/282=1.77)
Does anyone have any good ideas for me to try?