Selecting Forms



Hi, This is a little difficult to explain but here goes.

I have an employee document which has all of the particular employees
details on it, depending on the employees role, whether they are full
time/part time different areas need to be filled out.

I have created a form when the template loads which has various tick boxes
drop down lists etc.. what i want to know is can i have a drop down list at
the top and when this is changed, some options on the form are removed to
make entry easier for the person filling it in.

e.g. if i am part time i need to enter in my hourly rate, so at the
beginning i say i am part time and it asks me for my hourly rate. If i am
fulltime, it doesn't ask me.

I need to create a different form (about 4) for the various roles, and
select between them using some metod.

Any ideas

Charles Kenyon

Yes, this is possible. It isn't easy though. What you are talking about is
what Word calls an "online form." For more about online forms, follow the
links at or especially Dian
Chapman's series of articles.

You'll need to have on-exit macros from your trigger field that
enable/disable other fields or make them appear/disappear as needed. This is
done by unprotecting the form, modifying the other fields, and reprotecting
the form without resetting contents.

Hope this helps,

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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