Thanks for your speedy response Jeff.
I'm no expert on access, but....
The SQL for the query which displays the subform is:
SELECT tblProcedures.NINumber, tblProcedures.InformalDateFrom,
tblProcedures.InformalDateTo, tblProcedures.InformalStage,
tblProcedures.InformalProcedure, tblProcedures.InformalActions,
tblProcedures.InformalProcedureOutcome, tblProcedures.FormalDateFrom,
tblProcedures.FormalDateTo, tblProcedures.FormalStage,
tblProcedures.FormalProcedure, tblProcedures.FormalActions,
tblProcedures.FormalProcedureOutcome, tblProcedures.DateOfHearing,
tblProcedures.HearingOutcome, tblProcedures.DateOfAppeal,
tblProcedures.AppealOutcome, tblProcedures.Notes, tblProcedures.Completed,
tblProcedures.AdvisorsName, tblProcedures.EmploymentTribunalDate,
FROM tblProcedures;
, tblCandidateDetails.Directorate, tblCandidateDetails.[Ward/Dept]
FROM tblCandidateDetails
WHERE (((tblCandidateDetails.NINumber)=[Please enter NI Number]));
As far as I am aware the value lists are implemented in the subform - in the
properties, the 'row source type' is selected as value list.
To briefly explain, I'm designing the database as a method of recording HR
procedures for the HR staff to record for staff in our organisation. For
each member of staff, a number of different procedures under different
categorie may apply to them. These are all recorded in the subform
'Subform2newrecord'. For example, one category is informal procedures. For
this category, I need to able to record whether the procedure is one or more
of these :
"ST Capability Sickness";"LT Capability Sickness";"Capability
Performance";"Disiplinary";"Grievance";"Bullying and Harasment";"Harassment"
The database is set fine to just record one option, but I can't figure out
how to select more than one option in the drop down box.
Thanks again for your help.
Jeff Boyce said:
What's the query's SQL? How have you implemented "value lists" on the
subform? What is it that you are trying to accomplish?
More info, please ...
Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
I have a subform which is based on a query. I need to allow the user to
select more than one option in the numerous 'value lists' contained within
the subform.
How would I go about achieving this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.