thanks for the quick response.
I am a little confused. I am working with a datasheet view not a listbox.
Sorry maybe that was not clear or I am missing something.
I have a datasheet view and in a datasheet you cannot have buttons. So i
added coded behind a specific field which adds its Primary Key to the main
form so that i may do something with it.
The question i have is ... is there a way (once the user selects multiple
rows in the datasheet form) to have all the selected rows accessible in code.
Just like a list box has the selected=true function...does a datasheet have a
selected.record=true or something.
Thanks again for your response!
Thank you,
Steve said:
The rowsource for a listbox can be a query. Create a query that returns the
records in the selected rows and make the query the rowsource of your
(e-mail address removed)