Selecting one cell will highting another(or range of) cell




I'm wondering what different methods there are to do this.

I have data that is mainly grouped with corresponding data on the same row,
however, there are a few pieces of data that are affected by row X but do not
occur until a few rows below X and I would like to allow someone to easily
see the correlation between the data on these different rows.

For example:

Data in B1 and C1 correspond to DATE A1. However, events in columns D and E
are affected by things that happen on a certain date(A), but don't actually
happen until a later date, so D4 and E4 technically happen on DATE4, but are
affected by what happenned on Date1.

I'm looking for a way to easily allow people to see the correlation between
A1, B2, C2 and D4, E4.

I thought of hyperlinks from A1, B1, or C1 to D4, however this isn't a very
obvious change to people using the spreadsheet.

Any ideas?

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
(1) DATE1 Data1-1 Data1-2
(2) DATE2 Data2-1 Data2-2
(3) DATE3 Data3-1 Data3-2
(4) DATE4 Data4-1 Data4-2 Data1-3 Data1-4
(5) DATE5 Data5-1 Data5-2 Data2-3 Data2-4
(6) DATE6 Data6-1 Data6-2 Data3-3 Data3-4

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