Below Average User
From emails received in Outlook, I right-clicki on inserted or attached
photo, Selecting 'Save Picture As' birngs up Save Picture screen which has
only .bmp option in the "Save As Type" file box. As a consequence I can not
save "action pictures" like .gif. Even if I type file extension of .gif the
saved picture is a still photo.
1. How can I include additional picture file types to appear in the "Save As
Type" box that may resolve this saving problem?
photo, Selecting 'Save Picture As' birngs up Save Picture screen which has
only .bmp option in the "Save As Type" file box. As a consequence I can not
save "action pictures" like .gif. Even if I type file extension of .gif the
saved picture is a still photo.
1. How can I include additional picture file types to appear in the "Save As
Type" box that may resolve this saving problem?